If you are new to vaping then it can be hard to know what are the best e cig juices and if they are made from wholesome ingredients. We invited the vaping experts from Silver Puffin (http://www.silverpuffin.co.uk) to tell us what e liquid is actually made from and how you can tell if one is good quality.

There are two key ingredients in the best e cig juices that you should be checking to find out if your liquid is good quality: propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine. When selecting the best e cig juices the mix between PG to VG needs to be about 70% PG to 30 % VG. This allows the e juices to have a high volume of vapour upon inhaling and exhaling.

Propylene glycol is a thin formula that has no colour at room temperature. However when heated or shook it transforms into vapour form. Itallows e cigs to use significantly lower temperatures than would otherwise be possible. The glycol alsoholds onto nicotine and delivers it when the vapour is inhaled.

The vegetable glycerineis a thicker mix than the propylene glycol when used in electronic cigarettes. On the upside, because of its high consistency, VG juices don’t cause allergic reactions or irritations as often as propylene glycol. Also users that use pure vegetable glycerine-based vapour juices report they do not suffer from dry mouth the way that propylene glycol does. VG based products also produce significantly more vapour than their counterparts.

The best juice for your e-cigarette

This type of information is not available about every type of e liquid that you buy. That is why the idea of Silver Puffin’s Puffin Juice was such a tempting one. Silver Puffin used their e liquid knowledge, invested time and money to personally test the world’s bestselling and highest-rated e-cigarette liquids.Eventually we found the most reputable supplier that met our exacting requirements. We still work closely with them to maintain such high levels of quality and safety.

Puffin Juice Has a Premium Flavour and Vapour

Silver Puffin’s e liquid has the perfect balance of PG and VG to make sure our customers get the optimum vapour and hit from our juices.  They are a blend of pure nicotine, flavourings and natural essences. All of the ingredients are sourced from France and a US, no cheap chemical-based imports are sold here!

Superior quality and safety

The best thing about buying e liquid from experts is that you know the quality will be high and importantly safe! Our Puffin Juice is manufactured to the highest possible standards. Our trusted supplier deploys ISO9001 and GMP certified quality control system and tests every batch of our product fully before delivery to ensure quality and safety so you can puff easy.

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